Fundraising Specialist was founded in 1999, since then we have grown into one of Victoria's best known companies for fundraising. Our events consist of Yobbo Lotto, Music Bingo, Horsing Around, Trivia Nights, Sports/Comedy nights and Silent Auctions. We have assisted more than 3000 Sporting Clubs, Schools/Kinders, Charities and Community Groups.
Similar to Yobbo Lotto with Music the main feature with guests encouraged to dress as their favourite musicians
Make more money for your event with Sports and Entertainment Memorabilia in a Live or Silent Auction.
Horsing Around is a fun night with your clubrooms setup similar to a trivia night except instead of each table working together to answer questions they cheer on their horse on a screen in an animated race.
Yobbo Lotto is a fun filled night with a mixture of Lotto / Bingo rounds, music, singing, dancing and games with a little bit of trivia all with an Aussie theme
And if you prefer a different theme to Yobbo / Bogan you can choose from 70's, 80's, Fancy Dress, Masquerade, Club Colours, Hawaiian or any other theme.
Our Themed Trivia Nights
are not just your average Sports, Geography based nights but more fun based with lots of music,
dancing and entertainment.
Looking for a laugh?
Try our comedy nights
We can custimise our nights to your clubs requirements and budget
We have lots available so contact us for our list of Sports Men and Women
If you want more info on our fun nights enter your email address
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